RTT-Rig Tender®
How to
increase drillsite productivity - and do it with class.
Increase drillsite productivity and you increase your profitability.
The goal is as simple as that. But how do you get there?
For many years, drilling contractors around the world
have relied on Flatwater Fleet to arrive at that goal -- and do it with
class. How much more productive would your drilling operations be if just
one man and one truck could take all the water, fuel, drill pipe and casing
you needed for a full day's drilling?
Flatwater Fleet takes a systems approach to the operational
needs of the driller. It's an approach that maximizes efficiency and productivity
at the drillsite by saving time.
Aren't you ready for a Flatwater Fleet drillsite
Fleet's standard and optional features allow you to customize
and create a totally integrated unit for maximum utility and
You'll never need to shut down and leave
the drillsite for materials or equipment, nor will you be forced
to operate at less than 100 percent efficiency because of something
you couldn't carry.
At Flatwater Fleet we are always looking
for new ways to increase productivity and save time at the drillsite.
We have the experience, knowledge and flexability to work with
drillers around the world whether the requirement is water wells,
minerals and mining, soil testing, pollution control or drilling
that is shallow or deep, slim hole or large diameter, mud, air
or auger. |
Cranes |
One man can safely
load or unload tools and materials by radio remote control at the
yard or at the job site. Six crane modes are available from 3,200
lb. to 14,000 lb. (1,454kg to 6,360kg) lift capacity and a reach
up to 27' (8100mm) and reach out of 20' (6000mm).
amp AC/DC welder/generator driven by either gas or diesel engine.
120/240V, 2.5 KVA, 60 Hz., 115/230V, (2.0 KVA, 50 Hz.). Space-saving
welder rack for deck mount or front elevated mount is available
separately. Hydraulic driven welders along with higher and lower
output ranges and accessories on all welder/generators are available. |
our brochure to find more options.
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