For hydro-fracturing,
pressure grouting, acid injection,
zone test-pumping and pressure testing.
4" - 20" boreholes
Easy to handle
Easy to operate
Fast setting
in seconds
poor wells into good wells fast and efficiently |
large investment in equipment, materials, time and manpower
has been used to drill a borehole into a water bearing rock
formation. However, very little if any of this water is getting
into the borehole. The natural fractures are plugged with sediments,
rock flour, bio-fouling or mineral deposits. People or livestock
or crops are not getting the water they need. A valuable asset
is being wasted. |
WFT-Well Frac system
has been used to set a string of Frac-Pipe
and a Frac-Packer into
the bore hole. A frac-pump then has injected a large flow
rate of clean water into the borehole below the packer
at high pressure. In just a few minutes, fractures have
been opened up and flushed out allowing the groundwater
to flow to the well. The people's needs have been satisfied.
A valuable asset has been saved. |
FRAC-PACKER is a multi-purpose down-hole tool designed for use
in hydro-fracturing, pressure grouting, acid injection, zone test-pumping,
and environmental applications. When activated by a 10,000 psi pump
on the surface, a unique hydraulic cylinder compresses 4 rubber seals
that lock on borehole walls or casing. Average "setting"
time is 1 1/2 minutes! When the pressure is released, the packer is
"free in the hole" in 10-15 SECONDS! The engineered "memory"
in the rubber seals forces the packer back to original size. The rubber
seal sets can be interchanged IN THE FIELD in a few minutes! This
durable and time-proven design eliminates expensive and unreliable
inflatable elements. |
Grouting |
Acidizing |
Pumping |
Now you can grout casing in new wells WITHOUT troublesome tremie pipes
that plug up and hang up. Just lower your tremie line with the Utility
Packer attached INSIDE the casing and set at the bottom.
Then lift the casing a few inches, pump your grout, lower the casing,
remove the packer and you're done. Fast, simple and trouble-free.
Rock Wells Isolate and acidize fractures as you go into new wells
or use to rehabilitate the production in existing wells. Insures that
acid goes where it can do some good.
Screened Wells Concentrate acidizing in the well screen and filter
zone outside the screen by isolating it from the upper casing and
forcing the acid out into the aquifer.
Zone Pumping:
Use a single Utility Packer
to isolate the lower portion of the well from the upper part or use
two packers to "staddle" the zone that needs measuring. |